Wednesday, November 11, 2015

October- Week 3


big things happening down here in NC.
They are making a new stake right in the middle of where we are now. Changing a bunch of the ward boundaries. The Durham and Raleigh stakes are gonna be affected, because they making another Apex stake, the second one anyways. Instead of covering Raleigh 1st and 2nd wards, Me and Egbert will be covering just Raleigh 1st, and it might be in a new stake. So thats exciting.
This week was crazy town banana pants. On Monday night we went and played basketball with Cory and like 5 of his non-member friends for like 3 hours. Everyone was dazed by my ability probably. Tuesday was 1st transfer training and that took like alllllllll day. Wednesday was the bomb! We had district meeting in the morning and those are usually pretty fun. Then We went out to a bomb chicken place. We were planning on going on exchanges with the zone leaders that night so they asked us to do a mysterious task with them. Turned out that task was to drive brand new 2015 Corollas from the dealership to the Mission home. Best part- we got to ride ALOOONNNNEEEEE. I will always be the first guy to drive that brand new blue Corolla!
Anyways, that night we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I went with elder Chandler, the Chan Man. hes super funny.
Thursday, was the day of broken appointments, 3 cancelled. Knocked all night. Friday- TEMPLE!!! we did a sesh which was cool. And then someone from the seventy spoke to us! pretty cray. we went to Chic-fil-a with the Senior missionaries here who are hilarous. then we knocked all night. 
Saturday- We went to a giant marching band competition for all NC high schools, happening like half a mile from our appartment. Tabb took us to do a bunch of service up there and we worked in the concessions. We served like a million people in our missionary clothes. Tabb kept saying "WOW what GREATTT exposure!" It gave me some Wal-mart deli deja vu, but it was really fun. that night was stake conference and so waas Sunday morning.
Today we went to Grocery store and Cookout. 
This Week was super not good. no new investiagors and only like one total lesson. Were trying hard though. should get easier in just one ward.
Thanks for listening. Miss you!


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